4 research outputs found

    Roles of MSIE graduates to support Thailand sustainable smart industry

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    The way business run has changed in recent decades due to technology advancement, and it has become more explicit in many parts of the world that companies have been moving from stand-alone technology exploitation towards holistically integrated technology exploitation. Thailand's government has also foreseen the need for change from a production-based economy to a value-based economy and has encouraged the Thai industry to focus more on producing innovative products and services which require high potential and skilled knowledge workers. Consequently, their roles will never be the same. This paper presents findings on the expected roles of graduates with a Master degree in Industrial Engineering (MSIE) drawn from an industry survey on industry needs to attain Industry 4.0 conducted with companies based in Thailand and in three European countries participating in Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project on Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE 4.0). From the survey results, top-three technologies for being competitive and areas of applications to attain industry 4.0 in the companies' perspective were identified. Roles of MSIE graduates were determined for individual potential applications generated from identified technology-application relationships. According to the findings, the graduates are expected in general to play an important role in effective utilization of big data and real-time data for better decision making on various industrial practical problems as well as for better responsiveness to customers. The same procedure can be applied in other disciplines for identifying the roles of their graduates.This work is the outcome of project “Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE 4.0)” that has been funded with support from the European Commission (Project Number: 586137-EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Course design and development: Focus on student learning experience

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    Learning is not an outcome and, as a process, is more than just taking classes. It is a transformation journey a student walks through, and experiences picked up along the journey contribute gradually to student competence development. Competence, what companies are looking for from graduates, cannot be handed directly and will not be built unless the learning process is properly designed, developed and executed. This research work aims to present a process for course design and development, focused on embedding learning experience into a course. Bloom's Taxonomy is utilized for identifying learning outcomes. Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle is introduced for planning learning activities for ease of learning. Last, but not least, a recently developed LOVE model is applied for the selection of teaching and learning methods for offering a diversified learning experience. An existing project-based learning engineering postgraduate course on Product Design and Development is assessed to illustrate the proposed process for course design and development.This work is the outcome of project “Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE 4.0)” that has been funded with support from the European Commission (Project Number: 586137-EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UIDCEC003192019

    Industry 4.0 - "employee 4.0" in the light of teaching and learning

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    Industry 4.0, in the context of revolution, relates to changes in the industry but actually it does not begin or end with it. The most important in the whole process of digitization and intelligent solutions is the human factor. In fact, everything begins with it: design, creation, service and everything ends: implementation, interpretation of results, improvement through previous experiences. Therefore, what should the employee that will meet the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0 be like? The objective of the paper is to create the profile of the employee 4.0 who, in the education process, uses learning methods and teaching concepts so that they could satisfy the requirements set by the revolutionized economy. The reference point will be the use of the research conducted by the consortium members under the project of MSIE-CBHE, which is Erasmus+Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE4.0) funded by the European Commission the authors of the publication also belong to

    The quality of education on workplace safety master studies - the issue of teaching methods

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    Managingquality of education is difficult and diversified task. Certainly, at the very center of quality assurance is experience that students and graduates get throughout their education course. One of the factors influencing these experiences are teaching methods. The objective of the paperis to assess the experience of Workplace Safety and Hygiene master programstudents of with regard to teaching and learning methodsand Industry 4.0 readiness. The objective is realized through interpretation of the surveyresults that was madewithin MSIE4.0 project among the studentsof different industrial engineering master programs.Additionally, the program and courses documentation isinterpretedin accordance to the 'LOVE' model approach to assess education experience. The sample of the survey is based on MSc students of Workplace Safety and Hygiene that are held at Częstochowa University of Technology. As the study shows, there are some drawbacks of the program with regard to immersive approach to learning and more active students engagement. The readiness to Industry 4.0 requirements is not really visible and some purposeful actions should be made in order to make the program part of activities addressing this economic and social challenge.This publication is a partial outcome of project „Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE4.0)” that has been funded with support from the European Commission (Project Number: 586137-EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein